1. Our Magazine advert follows the conventions of adverts for this genre as most will have the name of the artist as the most predominate thing on the advert, we have done this by having it in the largest text and having the album title underline it in smaller text. we also have the best ratings clearly on the advert to sell the artist and tell the audience how good the product is. The advert also features a QR code which is becoming a convention of adverts to get a more technologically aware audience interested.
2. We stuck to the convention of voyeurism by having the artist on 3 of the 6 panels including the front and back cover, so that is what the audience will see first when they get the digipak. we also used the same fonts as the magazine poster so they are clearly linked by the audience. similar editing styles are also used through out all 3 products such as the black and white filters and use of transparent layers for the ghost effect.
3.We followed the convention of pop artists showing wealth by using costumes such as a 3 piece suit, and smart shoes. we thought it would be best to follow this convention as it is a easy way to represent and sell the artist.
4. This shot was used to break conventions because it is contrapuntal to the rest of the video where the artist is dressed up smart which follows conventions. this is effective as it shows him as a normal and down to earth person.
5.The camera work we used followed conventions of framing the artist and voyerism of the artist. as this shot clearly shows it frames him between the two doors drawing more attention to the artist and makes him stand out, therefor being recognisable and easy to sell.
6. Close ups were used to sell the artist. this is often a convention used in media as it is a form of voyeurism and this a convention used in music videos to show of the artist in ways that would make them appealing to the audience.
7. This shot is used the convention of showing of wealth with the costume and the of a city could imply that he has the money to own a flat with a view like such.
8.This shot uses intertextuality to the film singing in the rain. it is often a convention of pop music videos to make references to pop culture.
9. once again this shot was used to imply wealth as it is a main convention of popular music and hip hops like Justin Timberlake's music. it conveys wealth by showing him in a shopping center which looks very upmarket and there by suggesting that he is wealthy.
10. We used a shot of the artist drinking in a coffee shop as it would challenges the convention of pop artists standing out and often not doing everyday tasks. this however makes it possible for them to relate to the audience.
Q2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Q3. What have you learned from you audience feed back?
Q4. how did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?