Monday, 21 October 2013

Editing Pro's + Cons

So far, editing the footage has had it's up's and down's. For positive we now know what we need in order to complete our video to satisfactory levels ( this includes performing various lyrics again in better locations or to obtain significantly better shots to look more professional). We have been able to look at our footage and see what worked and what did not, as seen on the left walking/ tracking shots did not work as well as
we had hoped due to undesirable wobbling from different directions, we also found various inconsistencies such as footage being difficult to examine in terms of where it is in the song (in some clips we wouldn't be able to hear what peter was saying etc) this made editing more difficult than predicted, another inconsistency was that some shots are too different than others to be used - this ranges from the camera being out of focus to some shots just simply not working with the song/ narrative. These are problems which will be fixed/ addressed when we film again on the 2nd of November.
At the same time as all these cons were found, many pro's were located such as dancing in between lyrics to keep consistency, we initially didn't think that this was going to be used/ would be good but they turned out to be some of the most convenient shots ever because they can be used as good fillers when specific footage does not exist or no lyrics are used in a specific scene (this dancing can be seen in the second screen shot - basically we want more dancing).

And the final issue that we found was occasional lip-synching issues - which can be fixed easily on the next filming day as we have noted down all lip synching and other mishaps in preparation for it.

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