Thursday, 10 October 2013


Potential influences for the music video

One influence for our style of music video is the David Beckham Sky advert. In the same way that he wakes up in a perfect attitude and goes about his day, so will our character. The 21st centuries model class is very easy to screw up in the wrong hands, however, it is very appealing when done correctly.

Much like the cigar adverts of old, modern cigar connotations are a stricter "club" of appreciation. Through this we mean that heavy sexualization can go hand in hand with certain human habits. These are accentuated through our music video in as much as we can achieve. Our character will have a cigar in his mouth because he has to fit a star persona.

JT blows smoke through the air, standing as if sitting, next to Jay Z who is sitting as if standing.
They are comfortable with what's going on, and with a simple filter, the scene is given the vintage feeling they are trying to market.
Frank Sinatra years earlier, in a similar relaxed pose with a microphone, JT would have had to copy marketing techniques from musicians of that era.

In "Suit and Tie" and with a lot of older musicians, specifically those in blues, swing, RnB and the like, there is a heavy emphasis on nonchalant character.  In this way, regardless of where our character is in the scene, he will be unaware of the world around him, it revolves around him and the star persona and nothing else. 

Whereas in previous years, "R&B" style music would have focused on dance routines, then casual narrative, artists who want to present a certain version of R&B, have to present sexuality in their own way in order to make maximum profit. Vice is rife for the audience to enjoy, and therefore some aspects of the video have to try and indulge guilty pleasures for the audience. However, other than cigar and suit, a casual 90s style R&B blend will most likely be our direction, with focus on different camera angles, and the star conveying a narrative.

A 90s R&B "collage" and a contemporary R&B collage to show genre differences in the decades.                                                         

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