Sunday, 22 September 2013

Media HW - Analysing 3 Different Music Videos


Indie Rock – Gorillaz – Clint Eastwood


The lighting in the video was relatively dark (excluding the start of the video where the Gorillaz are in a white area), this reflects the lyrics as they can be interpreted as dark and literal.

-          I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless but not for long

The set /Location used in the video is a graveyard that emerges from the initial blank background, this also reflects the lyrics further (assuming that what is in the bag is a drug e.g. weed, after taking the drug the world around him/her is transformed in a negative way).

There was no make-up present because it was animation.

The colour used ranged from light blue to dark grey, very gritty down to earth colours that reflect the lyrics meaning.

The costume is an interesting one as each member of Gorillaz has an individual personality which is portrayed through their clothing (e.g. Noodle is of an Asian Nationality, thus she is wearing Asian Fashion).

There are no notable props in the video (unless you’d want to include the thriller zombie gorillas as props).


Rap – Cee Lo Green – Fuck You


The lighting used in the video was rather bright/ light, this conveyed to me a story telling tone which reflects the song. Another notable bit of lighting is that whenever modern Cee Lo appears on screen he is shown in a blue light thus conveying that he is separate as to what else is on screen at that moment.

The set used in the video was the diner; it was utilized well as it showed a consistent repeat of history whilst keeping it simple and enjoyable.

I can only assume that the make-up used in this video would have been to make Cee Lo’s crushes look more appealing, and of course to make his back-up singers look attractive as well.

Distinctive costumes are primarily used on Cee Lo (all ages) and his back-up singers as to not divert the audiences attention and to make themselves more attractive, also the background characters costumes reflected which part of Cee Lo’s timeline you were currently in.

Props that were used in the video fit the purpose of Cee Lo’s timeline and the lyrics, e.g. at the beginning of the video when young Cee Lo is trying to win the affections of a girl through his toy truck his bested by a toy Ferrari – reflecting the lyric “can’t afford a Ferrari”.


Spoken & Audio – The Lonely Island – BoomBox


The lighting was nice and bright throughout most of the video (in other parts the star would be well lit in front of a black background).

Multiple sets and locations were used in the video as to literally illustrate the lyrics e.g. Imagine in your mind a posh country club
The stuffy old money where the poor kid's snubbed

Make-up was most likely used to make Andy Samberg/ Julian Casablancas look more bright than other characters to make them stand out more (however there may not even be any make-up present as I’m not exactly sure what I’m looking for other than the obvious eye shadow/ blush on females).

The colour used throughout the video was a dark realistic colour, so to make the audience assume that the video is taking place in real life (minimal cinematic qualities are present here unlike other music video’s that would have)

Costume is comedicly exaggerated on the stars to make them look really out of the ordinary and rebellious (it also makes them easy to spot out in a crowd), other costumes include set appropriate costumes for background characters.

Notable props include:

-          Boiled Goose, this is a recurring joke in the video as it fits in so well with how Samberg is saying the lyrics that it can be used as an actual lyric/ visual lyric.

-          BoomBox, despite being the title of the song, the BoomBox is still a significant prop as whenever it is used in screen it distorts what western society would call normal/ typical, thus is the bases for the song.

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